Monday, 22 September 2008

ICT Lead Teacher Meeting

Lead teachers will investigate and introduce the revised Blooms Taxonomy to their syndicate for term 4's inquiry. We discussed how we could best use Fogartys 3 story intellect and how it links in with Blooms. Lead teachers will lead the introduction of Blooms at syndicate level.
We talked about creating question starters for the "key" words in each stage of Fogartys to make it more user friendly for all teachers.
Staff will decide on what thinking maps we are going to investigate further and then introduce them into our thinking tool box.
Deb and Mary are going to investigate which thinking maps we have already in digital form. Deb will also investigate which graphic organisers that we already have available to us in digital format.

Inquiry Scaffolding System

On the 8th of September Mark and Jan put together a blueprint for the Coley Street School inquiry scaffolding system. The purpose of the system is to put all the inquiry resources together into an easy to use system that both students and teachers can access to aid them in their inquiries. The scaffold follows the new school wide model and includes templates, thinking tools, links etc.
The next step is to as a whole staff decide on which of these tools we want to include.