Sunday 8 March 2009

Learning At School 2009

Learning Everywhere Conference 09

3 lead teachers, facilitator and principal attended the LATS09 conference in Rotovegas.

Overall theme of conf.  was CONNECTIVISM.  We felt it was a great follow on from the Ulearn conference.  The ideas/breakouts/keynotes all continued to develop this thinking.

All Coley attendees went to a breakout with Trevor Bond on questioning which challenged our current question rubric.  The emphasis was not on moving through levels (like a ladder), but more identifying the  type of questions required to gather relevant information. (Sometimes asking closed  questions is totally relevant).  

Teachers model and reinforce poor questions...we need to  teach students to ask better questions.

The idea of task directed inquiry also struck a cord.  Trevor used an example of his family building a land yacht.  The team work, sifting information, problem solving, rich,  and real nature of the task was exciting!